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November 10, 2005

It always happens...

I'm entering a very busy/ stressful time. At work, we're in the middle of 2 huge initiatives that require large, multiple early-morning meetings, and a 6:55am flight on Monday to San Diego for 3 back-to-back 1.5-hour training sessions for a group of marketing folks. Loose Change has stepped up rehearsals so we'll be going 8-11/ 11:30pm tonight, 6:45-11pm on Sunday, and on Monday, presumably after my 12-hour workday, I'll be heading straight from the Oakland airport to another 3-hour rehearsal. Next week is the San Francisco Hip-Hop Dancefest, with a 9pm Tech on Wednesday, and performances Friday & Sunday. We have a very rough, sketchily-finished 6-minute piece that needs a lot of work before next Friday (short indeed in comparison to the 60-minute Quest, but still nerve-wracking nonetheless...). I keep telling myself that I just need to make it through Thanksgiving, but my final project for my Photography class is due by the 12th of December, when the Photo Lab closes.

At home, we've been having problems with our water (brownish liquid from the sinks, in the toilet) and Bert's been reporting bug bites again. We had DSL issues, but they seem to be resolved now, thank goodness. But something's wonky with Movable Type, and I'm not getting notifications like I'm supposed to...

Thank goodness for the boy, who keeps me happy and sane...

Posted by claudine at November 10, 2005 12:26 AM

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