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February 20, 2005

(No) MUNI Photo Ban...

...at least (as far as we can tell,) for now...

And so we met, and snapped a lot of pictures, and did not get so much as a glare or reprimand from anyone, neither MUNI attendant nor security enforcer, and the SFist has a wonderful summary here, where the good folks who participated are to post links to their pictures and various other musings.

As Jackson mentions, just because were able to shoot in peace today does not necessarily mean smooth sailing for everyone else forevermore. It's definitely times like these that call for people to question the arbitrary invocation of "9/11" to justify the curbing of all sorts of civil liberties.

Dumbya may be in the White House for a second term, but that doesn't mean his campaign of blind obedience based on ignorance and fear need take hold everywhere…

My Flickr photo set of the Shoot-In is here.

It was lovely to meet Rene, and Steve, and of course, Jackson. Some other participants: Bjorke of Photopermit.org, Jason D of sf.metblogs, and Derek Powazek of Ephemera.org.

Posted by claudine at February 20, 2005 01:41 AM


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