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February 19, 2005

Space Cadet

I had always made jokes about driving and scanning the walls and rooftops of the city for graffiti, eyes off the road, peeled instead for any new evidence of street art, tags, throwups, Ribity. And until today, I had never been in an accident. Today, the streets were slickly wet and I was running late (or so I thought,) on my way to the SFist-organized "shoot-in" to determine whether there was indeed a MUNI ban on photography.

And there on 18th St., as I was driving and gawking at the tagged-up doors just on my left after Capp, I had to come to a screeching halt at the last second. The brakes were not as good as they should have been and I duly thumped the spare wheel of a black Honda CRV, stopped at a light.

The owner was kind enough, and, not noticing any damage to his vehicle, save a scrape on the outside covering of his jutting spare, waved it off magnanimously and soon was on his way. (I gave him my phone number just in case.) And so it was that I began the day, after a brief series of photos at the SF Mission Flea Market…

Gawking in inclement weather is definitely not a good idea.

Posted by claudine at February 19, 2005 08:46 PM


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